Amazon Delivered A Half Bottle Of Kissan Jam To Its Customer, Check How It Handled When The User Complained About Their Delivery

For the everlasting offers, discounts and promotional cashback-things, people nowadays go with online shopping. It is well understood that this 21st century’s style of shopping has peaked the traditional way raising the bars advertently with the whole new appealing strategies of marketing with ease.


Gone are those days when laying hands on the products was the preliminary step in buying something. It is click and check-out strategy now. E-commerce sites are roping in new ways of luring the aspiring customers all the way through kith and kin.

With less or no issues on offline-shopping, people these days are deliberately choosing the Internet to grab their desired goods at stunningly unexpected prices, well, aside from all this, how about the authenticity? The quality? The durability? E-commerce sites such as Amazon, Flipkart, and eBay, etc have been always in news for one or other reason.

Amazon chat

Another recent incident has drawn some serious concerns about the above factors. Putting up the issues online is a widely used method now and there are many reasons for it. It is much faster and almost guarantees the solution to your problem because the reputation of a company is always at stake.

In a shocking incident, an Amazon customer was left disgusted when he found a bottle of Kissan jam he ordered with half eaten and a half left. A Twitter user named Danish Malik recently took to the microblogging site to complain about Amazon regarding a wrong delivery. The user had ordered a bottle of Kissan jam but he received a tampered form of it.

Here’s what he tweeted,

“This Kissan Jam is so yummy that the team @amazonIN ate half of it before getting it delivered to me today from its own #Amazon Pantry.

However, I DON’T BELIEVE IN SHARING IS CARING!! Please re-send the new *seal* packed or refund…

Bar-code is also scribbled :>”

He soon got the reply from Amazon Help. It read as “I’m sorry about the condition in which the item has arrived. We’d like to look into this and help you, please connect with us here: and we’ll assist you accordingly. ^MO”

Actually, it was a public conversation and was supposed to end here but it just got more interesting. The user was in no mood to end the convo so he replied in a teasing way.

“It sounds like: I’m sorry, chal Kone Mein aa baat karke sort kartey hai !!”

To this, Amazon Help replied in a humble way. They wrote, “You’ve got a good sense of humor. However, we never meant that. We’d like to help you with this. Please reach out to us using the link provided earlier and we’ll get this sorted. ^GD”

However, the customer was in a mood of having fun with them. He continued,

“Lol Thanks .. I will do that !!

Btw I always get confused to choose between Strawberry Blast & Berry Blast…

Whats your favorite now when you have already tasted from my Jam Bottle?

#AmazonIndia #Amazon”

Now that the guy was not stopping, Amazon joined along and gave a witty reply. They tweeted, That’s a tough choice. When in doubt, we get both of them. Because two is better than one. ^ZR”

It seemed like Danish is an ace in the art of comebacks. He continued and tweeted, “Totally Agreed !! But, you guys really having a good life. After all, you can get easily whatever and whenever you want !! From your own warehouse or even from the customer’s order.. #AmazonJamCrisis #AmazonIndia”

Finally, Amazon tried to end all on a humble note. They tweeted, “All orders are closed scanned for a quality check before dispatching. We apologize for the miss from our end. Henceforth, we’ll make sure this won’t happen again. Appreciate your understanding. ^JS”

The most interesting convo ended like this:

“Aargh!! That’s Ok. Just write it down 10 times and end it here… But make sure you don’t waste paper!!”

What are your thoughts on it? Wasn’t that a really interesting convo?

Also Read: Man Ordered A Lamp, While, Amazon Delivered A Bottle Full Of URINE, Check What He Did Next