Legendary Bollywood actor and the megastar of Hindi film industry Amitabh Bachchan seems to be annoyed with the technical aspects of his Twitter account. Amitabh Bachchan who is well known as computer geek and one of the highly active celebrity on social networking sites is found to be encountering complexities with his twitter account.
Big B Amitabh Bachchan Files Complaint with Cops Claiming Hacking of His Twitter Account
Bollywood’s most celebrating star Amitabh Bachchan is going through the tough time it seems grounding the reports of him with Mumbai cops. Big B is yet another celebrity who has the victim of hacking as his twitter handle is reported to be hacked by someone. The senior Bachchan of Bollywood claimed that his twitter account has been hacked by some mischievous hackers and troubling him since a year.
Megastar of Bollywood stated that he has been receiving “dirty, abusive” and offensive sms message from the hackers violating his personal space for the past one year. Amitabh Bachchan while compiling which was addressed to the police inspector of Juhu police station urged the cops to probe into his issue and find out the culprits so that this won’t happens with the rest.
T 1980 -WHOA !..My Twitter handle hacked ! Sex sites planted as ‘following’ ! Whoever did this, try someone else, buddy, I don’t need this !
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 31, 2015
T 1980 – OKAAY .. !! Plot thickens ! Had been getting several really dirty abusive sms for a year .. just handed all of them to the POLICE !
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 31, 2015
T 1980 – Moments with the ‘Dharavi Rock Band’ .. scintillating experience .. RJ Malishka and organisers, well done !! pic.twitter.com/i0Di6IRJxY
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 31, 2015
The 72-year-old actor said Through a certain period of time, I have been receiving dirty, filthy, abusive SMS messages on my personal phone. I attach herewith photocopies of my mobile screen containing the content that I speak about” in the official complaint he filed with the Juhu police.
Tweeting this issue out on Twitter he said “OKAAY.. Plot thickens! Had been getting several really dirty abusive SMS for a year.. Just handed all of them to the POLICE!” In the previous tweet he said ” WHOA !..My Twitter handle hacked ! Sex sites planted as ‘following’ ! Whoever did this, try someone else, buddy, I don’t need this !”
T 1980 – Kids from band of Dharavi, arguably world’s largest slum, were all ‘rag pickers’ .. music changed them all ! pic.twitter.com/0YFdyqnhTB
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 31, 2015
Senior Bachchan who is usually found to be active on Twitter and other social sites had resumed tweeting above cited tweets sharing his thoughts with his followers and fans on micro-blogging site. Stay tuned with us for more trending alerts of Indian cinema and Bollywood with us by bookmarking us in your web browser for easy navigation.