An Open Letter to “Vishakha Singh” from a Telugu Fan

Almost everyone on Facebook might be aware of the thing that happened yesterday after a person made some abusive comments on Vishakha Singh profile on one the photo she uploaded on to her facebook profile. After this the actress gave a strong reply to him and this became viral on the Internet. Today we received a mail from one of her fan in response to her reaction on this whole scenario.

What actually happened?

Actress Vishakha Singh uploaded a pic on to her facebook wall as you can see below.

A guy made some abusive comments. In response to that the actress gave him a  very strong reply.

You can check what the fan wrote below:

To Vishakha Singh,

I became your fan after watching Rowdy Fellow movie. Your acting skills are decent and I wish you have a great future ahead. I am writing this letter to appreciate your brave act yesterday where you boldly faced a bully who made few abusive comments on your profile.

Actually we find a lot of such harassers on facebook who comment on random celebrity profiles but most of them ignore such comments either due to their busy schedule or they might have just got habituated to it. I appreciate you for taking time and responding to that harasser as this will be a good lesson for all bullies on Social Media whose work is just to abuse people on their photos and status.

Also, I would like to advice you that its better if you ignore such silly things and move on. Because you might come across a lot of barking dogs in your way and it would be just a waste of time for you if you stop by and throw stone at each dog.

I also want to say that because of few men all the men are being generalized and treated in a different way by a sector of women which should be changed. Not all men are same and many men do respect women and their freedom.

Wish you all the very best for your upcoming projects.

A Telugu Fan.

As you can see the fan is a Telugu guy and asked us not to reveal his name. Do let us know what do you think about the same in your comments.