2 Pugs Cooked To Death After Owners Left Them Zipped Inside Tent For 8 Hours During 34C Day

2 pugs were cooked to death after their owners left them alone in a tent for 8 straight hours during a 34C day.

33-year-old Sarah Henniker and 28-year-old TJ Gregory, the owners of the dogs, were banned from keeping animals after the incident.

The owners left Millie and Tito, the pugs, in the tent at a holiday park on a scorching summer day.

When the owners realized that Millie and Tito have died, they were wrapped in a sleeping bag so they could be buried later.

But the staff realized something was wrong, so they alerted the authorities.

Sarah and TJ were ordered to carry out 160 hours of unpaid work after they admitted that they caused their dogs unnecessary suffering.

During sentencing, Timothy King, a district judge, said: “One can only imagine the way those animals must have suffered. It is a horrible way for them to lose their lives.”

Henniker and Gregory were camping out with the 2 pugs at the Martello Bay Holiday Park in Jaywick, Essex, last year when the incident happened.

The Colchester Magistrates’ Court heard that Henniker left the tent at 9 am and came back after 5 pm for the puppies.

The incident happened on a hot 34C day in July last year.

Lauren Bond, a prosecutor, said the pugs were cooked to death and showed signs of heatstroke.

Millie and Tito belonged to Henniker since they were puppies, and reports suggest that they were previously taken care ofin a good manner.

Mark Pearson, the lawyer of the couple, said Sarah and TJ did not have any intention of hurting the pets.

The couple did accept that they should have returned sooner.

The couple received 18-month in community orders along with 160 hours of unpaid work.

The couple was also banned from keeping animals for 5 years and Gregory was given a further 20 rehabilitation days.

They were also asked to pay £390 in court charges.