Amazing Picture Shows Newborn Koala Tightly Hugging Mom During Surgery

A love between a mother and her child is amazing, it has no heights and it shows the world what true love really is.

This is what exactly a baby koala showed when her mother was having surgery.

Phantom, the newborn koala, wouldn’t let go of his mother when she was having life-saving surgery, and thankfully, a photographer captured the loving moment on cam.

The poor mother of Phantom was hit by a car when she was in her pouch.

Thanks to a Good Samaritan who contacted a local animal group, the injured mother was taken to a hospital in a zoo in Australia.

When the mother of Phantom was going through a surgery, the tiny Koala started to scream when the doctors tried to remove him from her mum.

Lizzy, the mother of Phantom, underwent a surgery that would fix her collapsed lung.

Lizzy survived the surgery and was brought to the rehabilitation center of the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital with Phantom.

After some time, Lizzy and Phantom were moved to the outside koala wards of the hospital.

The two koalas got to socialize with other koalas in the zoo.

The caretakers of the 2 koalas were pretty emotional when they were ready to be released back in the wild.

The zoo even shared a video of the emotional video of the 2 koalas being released.