Animal Rights Activist Verbally Abused Blind Men For Using “Guide Dogs”

A doctor and his friend were verbally abused by an animal rights activist who said it was wrong for them to use guide dogs.

Dr. Amit Patel and Jonathan, his friend, were enjoying a nice drink when an animal rights activist decided to abuse them verbally.

The 2 were at the Portsmouth Marriot for a short speech at the Animal Star Awards, which is a ceremony that is done to thank service animals.

Dr. Patel handed out his first award of the evening when he spoke about some of the issues humans are facing.

After the ceremony, he decided to catch up with his friend Jonathan, but instead, he was verbally abused by an individual who said it is wrong for them to force dogs to work.

Dr. Patel said, “Last night: two blind guys & our dogs at a bar, having a quiet drink. We then get accosted by an aggressive women screaming that we’re cruel for having Guide Dogs. Not only was she in our faces but at one point I thought she‘d get physical. Not a comfortable position to be in.

The woman reportedly shouted at the 2 blind men and said that it was “absolutely” cruel for them to use guide dogs.

The woman is believed to be a guest at the hotel.

The woman even told Dr. Patel that he and his friend were bad as people who organize dog fights.

Dr. Patel continued, “You could hear bar stools kind of moving as she started talking, people coming over to give us assistance. But the people who were in the bar were the people who were in the awards, who’d actually heard me speak about this. So for a few seconds, I think people actually thought, ‘oh he spoke about this just recently’, and people actually approached me afterwards and said ‘we’d never heard about this, we never realised that this was an issue’.”

He added, “And I would say it’s only in the last six to nine months that it’s actually got worse. Since putting the tweet out – if you read the comments – it’s not just guide dog owners, it’s medical detection dog owners, it’s hearing dog owners. Can you imagine having someone shout at you when you can’t hear them? And it’s people with hearing loss, you know. It’s crazy. Imagine shouting at someone who is deaf, who has a hearing dog, and telling them they are cruel. It’s not on.”

Dr. Patel also talked about guide dogs and how they help disabled people or blind men in their day-to-day lives.

Dr. Patel said, “their training if they don’t want to work. A lot of dogs don’t make it through their training because they don’t want to work because they’re not interested or they’re too sniffy.

He added, “You know, to be able to trust your life to a guide dog, that dog has to be concentrated 24/7. I can’t go through central London at peak time and have a dog that has a kind of ‘I don’t really want to work but I’ll do it anyway’ attitude. My guide dog has to be on it all the time.”

Kika, the dog of Dr. Patel, has been with his side for nearly 5 years now.

Dr. Patel said Kika has helped him gain confidence and the ability to go out or anywhere immediately without having to worry about anything.

Dr. Patel considers Kika as part of his family.

Dr. Patel said Kika was present when his 2 children were born, and said he helped his wife a lot when she was pregnant.

Guide Dogs are god sent! Thank you for your services doggos!