Australian Woman Finds 10-Foot Python In Her Christmas Tree

December is here and people have started to decorate their Christmas tree, and for some, decorations are showing up out of nowhere.

A woman from Brisbane, Australia, was decorating her tree when she found a 10-foot python sitting still in her Christmas tree.

Leanne Chapman and her partner returned to their home from work on Thursday just to see a guest sitting in their Christmas tree.

During an interview with 7News, Leanne said, “We came home from work and there’s a couple of butcher birds that visit every day and they were just kicking off on the balcony, going crazy.”

Leanne, who is originally from England, said her partner started to take a video of the birds and went on leaning on the Christmas tree, now knowing that the snake was there.

Leanne continued, “As he’s turned around and stepped back, he didn’t realize he was leaning on the Christmas tree with the snake wrapped around it.”

The couple left the snake alone, and later that night, the student reportedly slithered away.

Leanne said the snake was not bothered with them being inside the house.

The snake reportedly stayed in the Christmas tree for a number of hours.

The reptile started to move and the couple realized how big it was.

Leanne said, “It was big — really big. After the initial shock wore off, it was a really beautiful snake.”

Leanne added, “It was actually quite nice to see it that close up because I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

I’m just bothered by the fact that they did not call the authorities to rescue the snake.