Canadian Photographer Captures “Perfect Shot” Of Bald Eagle

Steve Biro, a photographer based in Canada, was at the right place at the right time, when he got to capture what many say is the “perfect shot” of a bald eagle soaring over a pond at the Canadian Raptor Conservatory.

Before capturing this gem, Steve said he took a lot of pictures of the bald eagle during his visit to the conservatory.

Biro shared this picture on Reddit and Instagram after he took it, and it didn’t take time before it blew off and went viral on Social Media.

Talking about the picture, Biro said, “That [photograph] was the one that struck me as a little more special than the others. But I still didn’t even know how it would resonate with people.”

The Canadian Raptor Conservatory is home to over 200 captive-bred birds.

The conservatory is also home to a number of sick and injured animals. They are kept in the conservatory until they are fit enough to be released in the wild.

When Biro took the picture, the eagle tried to hush him away by irking at where he was.

Biro said, “He was actually trying to brush me away from where I was perched. I could feel the breeze from his wings as he flew over me. The other people who were there were gasping as he came over my head. It was really quite exhilarating.”

As soon as he got up off the rock where he was sitting at, the eagle, whose name is Bruce, flew over and claimed his spot.

Biro has been taking pictures for nearly 10 years now, and he said he loves taking city pictures, nature pictures, and landscapes.

But Biro said he always had a soft spot for birds in his heart.

In his own words, he said, “There’s something about birds that to me is captivating. The way they hunt, the way they interact. Sometimes you’ll see them do things. They’ll be playful, just like children. It’s amazing how you’ll see aspects of humanity in birds – and in animals overall.”

Bald Eagles are widely found in North America. The United States of America uses the Bald Eagle as its national emblem.

In Canada, Bald Eagles are mostly found in some parts of Ontario, but mostly in British Columbia.