Cat With Prosthetic Legs: Vituzzo “The Bionic Cat” Is An Internet Sensation

Vituzzo, who is also known as Vito, is a bionic cat that got his rear legs amputated after being rammed b a car in Milan last year.

Luckily, Vito was in good hands and the doctors were able to replace them with prosthetic limbs, making him the first-ever cat with bionic legs.

The owners of Vito were on their honeymoon when he went missing in 2018.

Silvia Gottardi, a former basketball player, and Linda Ronzini, were informed about the incident by the cat’s caretaker about the incident.

The couple was observing their cat from afar as the doctors tried to save their cat.

When the incident happened, the couple said, “We are far away, it is a terrible moment, but luckily we have beautiful people nearby who can take care of him.”

The thing that happened to Vito was not good, his injuries were so bad that the vets were forced to amputate his both hind paws so the infection could stop from spreading.

Most of the time, cats would be euthanized after having both limbs removed.

The owners of Vito didn’t give up.

After returning to their house, the couple opted in to have their cat fitted with prosthetic limbs.

The couple was inspired by a cat from Britain who had a similar operation after having his hindquarters sliced off by a combine harvester.

After doing a run with the prosthetic legs, the cat was fitted with a spring-loaded prosthetic leg, which were created by the paralympic athletes.

After Vito got his new legs, he became the first cat in Italy to receive synthetic limbs.

The parents of Vito said the cat is feeling good in their home.

Gottardi and Ronzoni, Vito’s parents, started an Instagram page for Vito, which shows updates and images of Vito living his life.

This shows anything is possible if you believe in it.

Virtuzzo currently has over 9500 followers on Instagram and has over 166 posts on his page.