Hawk Has A Hard Time Finding Out Why Little Bunny Is Not Scared Of Him

If land animals see a hawk soaring in the sky, they get scared and hide right away so they can avoid becoming the meal of the huge bird.

But what happens when a land animal is brave and is not scared?

Recently, a hawk saw something he thought may have been an easy meal, but he ended up confusing himself.

The hawk saw a rabbit who was sitting in the shade of a small tree, clueless about what was happening.

The hawk didn’t know that the bunny was a statue and was not alive.

Watch the video below of the hilarious incident:

The hawk got so confused that it decided to fly over the statue bunny and even poke it to scare the living heck out of it.

Instead of freaking the bunny out, the hawk ended up confusing himself.

Steve Grimme captured the entire moment from his camera, and he said, “I couldn’t believe when he poked the bunny a couple of times. I was laughing.”

He added, “In the end, when he turned away from the bunny, my only thought was he was saying to himself, ‘Geez, I hope none of my other hawk friends saw me do that!?”