Kind Boaters Rescue Baby Bear With Plastic Bottle Stuck On His Head

From time to time, animals get caught or get affected by the mess that humans leave, and most of the time those things are plastics.

Tricia Hurt and her husband were boating on a lake near their house in Wisconsin, USA when something caught their attention.

As they paddled along in the water ahead of them, a baby bear had a plastic bottle stuck on his head.

Luckily, they were there to help it out.

Initially, the couple did not know what kind of animal it was.

But when Mr. and Mrs. Hurt went closer, they realized that it was a bear swimming with a plastic bottle stuck on his head.

They then realized that the life of the bear was in serious danger, considering the fact that it couldn’t breathe if it got stuck there for a long time.

The head of the bear was trapped inside a large plastic jar.

During an interview with The Dodo, Hurt said:

We knew we had to help him as fast as we could.

Thanks to the quick actions of Hurt and her husband, the bear was freed, saving him from getting face to face with death.

Hurt said:

We were just in awe that we were able to get the bucket off his head.

After doing the kind act, the bear swam away.

Hurt added:

He was able to swim away and make it to shore. We still can’t believe this happened.

Not all heroes wear capes, sometimes they sail in rivers near their houses.