Leap Of Joy: Mother Dolphin Jumps Around After Fishermen Release Her Baby Dolphin That Got Caught In Their Nets

A mother’s care and her love is the best thing one can get, and it doesn’t matter if you’re a person or an animal to show how much you love your children or parents.

A mother dolphin in Procida, Naples in Italy, was really happy after she was reunited with her baby dolphin after it got caught in the nets of fishermen.

The dolphin became entangled in the net when the boat was fishing.

A video shared by Mario Polizzi showed the mother jumping out of the waters near the fishermen after her calf was set free.

Dolphins jump out of the water to show human like characteristics, which means they are happy.

First, the fishermen set the calf free, which leaps out of the sea, and as the fishermen cheer, the mother dolphin panned out and started to jump out of the water, celebrating the freedom of her calf.

After the mother and the calf got back together, fishermen started to celebrate and cheer each other for their good dead.

In the video that was shared by Mario, one person said, “Bravoooooooooo you are wonderful.”

Another user said, “Really beautiful and I love dolphins, but it could have been jumping out of the sea in order to see its calf better (one of the supposed reasons for dolphins jumping) or it could have been trying to communicate with its calf. Whatever the reason, they are amazing creatures.”

Dolphins are considered as really start animals. They are capable of solving complex problems and are known for their human-like social interactions. They are one of the smartest animals in the world.