Lost Dog Reports Himself Missing At Local Police Station

If someone gets lost, we go to a police station and file a missing complaint so that person can be traced and returned to the place where they really belong.

And when a dog goes missing, we print posters and place them on areas where people could see them.

Chico, a dog, lost his human, so there was one thing that he could do so that he could be returned to his owner.

Instead of roaming around, Chico went to a local police station, where the police were stunned.

The dog reportedly walked into a Texas police station and placed his hands on the top of the counter, acting like he was there to file a complaint.

Sergeant Rusty Martin was one of the first police officers that got to meet Chico, and he said he was stunned to see a dog that smart.

Talking about what Chico was acting like when he got inside, Sgt. Martin said, “He didn’t seem distressed about his lost status at all.”

He added, “It was as if he just went out for a stroll through the neighborhood and decided to pay the kind officers a visit to brighten up their day.”

It is said that the dog had a great time at the police station as the officers were trying to find the owners of Chico.

Sgt. Martin said Chico received a lot of love and attention from the officers.

Talking about what they did with Chico, Sgt. Martin added, “We had a tennis ball and threw it in the lobby for a bit. Everyone loved him.”

As the officers inspected Chico’s name tag, they realized that it was missing.

The animal control were brought in so they could check him up for a microchip, but when they arrived, Chico had left the police station without telling anyone.

Luckily, the smart dog remembered where he lived and got back to his house without getting injured.

Sgt. Martin explained, “The owner responded the next day [to say that] it was his dog and he had returned home. He lives about a mile from the station.”

What an amazing dog Chico is.