Man Has Big Chunk Of Skin Torn Out Of His Leg After Being Attacked By Shark In Miami Beach

A man that was visiting Florida, USA, for a trip, was attacked by a shark and was left writhing around in pain after a big chunk of his leg was torn.

The unfortunate incident happened in Miami Beach, Florida.

Mark Bodden, who is originally from California, USA, was visiting the Miami Beach along with his girlfriend when the incident happened.

When Mark was swimming in the sea, a shark got in touch with him.

The shark ended up eating a chunk of Mark’s leg.

The wound that he had on his leg measured at around 8 inches wide, said the authorities.

Recalling the day of the incident, Mark said:

There was a lot of fish in the water that day, which I was later told that’s a warning to not go in the water. I thought it was really cool. I was feeling one with nature.

Talking about the bite, he said that he just felt something on his leg.

The feeling that he got after the bite was similar to someone punching another person extremely hard.

He explained:

It just felt like something punched my leg really hard,” he recalled. Something didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like I got bit but it didn’t feel normal either.

The kind and strong girlfriend of Mark was there with him when the incident happened.

The kind woman helped him get to the shore and upon realizing something bad had happened, lifeguards rushed for help.

Members of the Miami Beach Ocean Rescue rushed to the scene to help stop the bleeding.

His foot was also elevated to avoid further blood loss.

In footage that was shared with the public, Mark could be seen getting treatment on the beach.

His leg was being held up by his kind and supportive girlfriend, who stayed by her side throughout the entire thing.

The bite was said to have measured at least 8 inches wide.

Officials believe that the shark that bit Mark was more likely to be a black-tipped shark.

Mark also talked about his girlfriend, where he said:

My girlfriend and I assessed my leg and saw how there was a big chunk taken out of it. I was hoping it wasn’t a shark but I knew that it was likely. I’ve heard shark teeth are like surgeons’ scalpel blades they are just so sharp.

The good thing about this incident is that Mark was treated fast, which avoided extreme blood loss.

He was released from the local hospital 1 day after he was brought there.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mark, may he recover fast form this incident.