Monkeys Chained Up And Forced To Do Tricks With Fire At Thailand Zoo

Animal lovers are now criticizing a show in Ratchaburi where monkeys are being forced to wear make-up, dresses, and even chains so they can perform in front of tourists.

Images that are viral on social media right now shows monkeys playing with fire and pretending to sing at the Chang Puak Camp in Ratchaburi, Thailand.

PETA, an animal rights group, is now calling on travel companies all over the world to cut ties with the degrading shows.

It is reported that monkeys at the zoo had their teeth removed so they can take part in the shows.

In a video that was shared with the public, you can see a monkey in a gold dress being forced to jump through a spiked hoop.

The monkey then spins a ball before showing off its makeup to the audience.

A monkey, who is wearing shorts, can be seen with a rope around its neck as it jumps in the air.

The monkey was trying to escape.

According to reports, monkeys are forced to shake hands with the children in the audience and are trained to play the guitar.

They are also trained to sit with crossed legs as they pretend to write a text message.

Jason Baker, the senior vice president of PETA’s international campaigns, said such circuses break the monkey spirits by using violent methods that rely on fear of punishment.

Baker said, “Monkeys don’t choose to walk on their hind legs, wear clothes, ride bikes, or perform other meaningless and humiliating tricks – they’ve simply learned to fear what will happen if they don’t.”

Baker added, “They force the animals into a lifetime of slavery.”

The charity said animals that take part in the acts are snatched away from their mothers at birth.

They are also deprived off their natural surroundings.

Thailand is a popular tourist attraction destination, but they are heavily criticized for treating their animals in a very barbaric way.

Baker talked about boycotting the shows.

Baker said, “Public opinion has changed, and forcing wild animals to perform is no longer the way to draw a crowd, but there’s still much work to do.”

He added, “All travel companies need to stop promoting cruel shows and zoos, and tourists must stop buying tickets to them, opting instead to see animals in their natural habitats – the only place where they belong.”

This has to be one of the most horrible cruel acts of 2020.