Mutant Calf With “Human-Like Face” Born In Argentina

An eerie mutant calf was found at a farm in Argentina with a half-human face, which shocked the living heck out of the farmers.

A local farmer rushed to take a closer look at the Calf with Human Face.

The video shows the farmer taking a closer look at the poor calf who can be heard mooing weakly.

The calf was born with a small nose and a mouth that looked like a human face.

The calf was born in Villa Ana, a village in the Santa Fe province, in northern Argentina.

According to reports, the mutant calf only got to live for a couple of hours, and passed away later that day.

A video of the calf was shared on YouTube, where it has been viewed by over 200k thousand people.

The video shows the mutant calf lying on the grass with its unusual face.

Locals said the calf had an unusual face that looked like a human’s face.

According to local vets, the calf was born with a malnourished skull.

This explained why the calf had a human life appearance.

It is unclear if the calf was brought to a specialist.

Nicolas Magnago, a genetics expert, said the calf had a human-like face due to a rare “genetic mutation.”

Nicolas added, “mutation is a change in the DNA sequencing that was transferred to the cow’s offspring. It was a spontaneous mutation caused by the action of mutagens, physical, chemical or biological agents, which altered its genetic sequencing.”