Mutant Cow Born In India With 2 Heads, 4 Eyes, And 2 Mouths
India is known by many as the land of woah’s and wows, especially when it comes to animals that are mutant.
In the most recent wow moment, a farmer in India was in complete shock after he realized that one of his cows gave birth to a calf with 2 heads, 4 eyes, and 2 mouths.
Bhaskar, a farmer from the Paarasalai Village in southern India, was expecting a normal calf when his cow gave birth.
He was surprised when the calf popped out.
As it came out, he realized that the calf was with conjoined twins.
The unusual-looking mutant cow had 4 eyes, 2 mouths, and 2 heads, but only one pair of ears.
The farm of Bhaskar became a tourist attraction after locals and other villagers got to know about the unusual-looking calf.
The baby cow has 2 tongues, which makes it unable to drink milk.
Bhaskar, a good farmer, uses a bottle to feed the cow milk, making sure it is healthy.
The mother and calf are both well, but experts said the future of the mutant calf is still uncertain.
This type of birth is called bicephaly, where an animal is born with 2 heads.