Mysterious Alien-Like Creature Caught Off The Coast Of Alaska

A mysterious alien looking like sea creature was snagged off Alaska’s coast and people are turning to the internet to find answers.

Sarah Vasser-Alford, an Angler, reeled in the alien-looking creature and took a video of its strange multi-pronged tendrils.

Vasser-Alford found the strange catch during a halibut-fishing expedition in August when he was fishing off Prince of Wales Island.

The video currently has over 1.5 million views on Facebook alone and has been shared by over 24k users on Facebook.

The mysterious creature turned out to be a “basket star”, a species that belongs to echinoderm, which is similar to a starfish.

Vasser said the animal was placed back in the water and was unharmed throughout the video process and the fishing process.

Basket stars have branched arms that allow them to move easily on the seafloor. They are capable of growing up to 3 feet and can live in the deep sea.