Pet Owner Comes Up With Best Halloween Costume Idea For Her Pet Dogs

Sasha Hobson, a pet owner, loves dressing up for Halloween, this includes her pet dogs too. But this year, she had a special challenge.

Hobson has 7 dogs, and every year, she has to dress them up for Halloween.

Hobson said, “Every year we dress up the dogs for Halloween and do a photoshoot.”

When Hobson says “Photo Shoot” her dogs know what to do and they jump around as they know that they’ll be taking some awesome pictures.

Hobson owns 7 dogs, which includes a small Chihuahua mix and black Labradors.

The owner has a hard time finding unique costumes for her and the dogs, especially because they have to match it out.

Talking about this year’s Halloween, Hobson said, “This Halloween is the first year with all seven of them, so we wanted to find a way to incorporate them all.”

She added, “We originally were going to make the characters from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ … but then I suggested ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.’ It was too perfect to pass up!”

Hobson found a costumer for herself and had to make the costumes for her dogs by herself.

Hobson said the hardest part was sewing the costumes and making sure that they fit her dogs.

Hobson matched the dogs based on their characters perfectly.

Hobson is looking forward to celebrating Halloween with her pet dogs and her family.

Hobson says a lot of people think she and her family are crazing for owning this many dogs.

Hobson said she loves her dogs and would not trade them for anything.

She explained, “These dogs have it made and are without a doubt the spoiled kids on the block.”

Talking about her biggest problem with the dogs, Hobson said it is finding costumes for herself and dogs for Halloween 2020.