Polar Bear Who Is 10 Stone Overweight Named As “Fat Albert” By Locals In Alaska

A bear in Alaska is so fat that it has been dubbed as “Fat Albert” by the locals.

Fat Albert is so overweight that he is around 107 stones.

People say the camera adds a lot of weight on us, but it looks like this guy has over 10 taking pictures of him.

The average polar bear is around 71 stones, which is equivalent to 450 kilograms, but Fat Albert is around 679 kilograms.

In case you’re wondering how Fat Albert got so fat, it is because the polar bear hauls a lot of whale blubber.

Fat Albert is extremely famous in Katovik, Alaska, USA.

Edward Boudreau, a professional photographer, took the images of Fat Albert.

While sharing the images of Fat Albert, Edward said, “The villagers had just harvested a whale and what they do is cut a large portion of meat and blubber then haul it about four miles out of town for the bears to find.”

Edward added, “They do this for two reasons. First: it keeps the bears from coming to the harvest and disrupting the process, you wouldn’t want twenty or so full-size Polar Bears descending towards you in a hurry and hungry.”

He continued, “The second reason is the villagers are paying homage to the bear, showing them the respect they deserve as they have traditionally for thousands of years. If the village fails to harvest a whale then the bears would need to wait until the sea freezes over so they can hunt the seals.”

Fat Albert is fat, but he is not the fattest polar bear on our planet.

The record-holder was a polar bear that used to roam our planet in the 1960s. The bear weighed 2209 pounds, which is 157.7 stones and 1,001 kilograms.