Richmond Park: Deer Attacks Stupid Man After He Gets Too Close While Feeding Animal

Humans act without their brain sometimes, and the best example of that is the story that we are about to bring you.

A number of warnings have been issued after a stag was pictured charging at a man with its antlers after he got too close.

The incident happened when a crowd of visitors was throwing food towards the animal.

Visitors of the famous Richmond Park in southwest London were seen chucking seeds at the creatures.

There are strict rules in the park to not feed the animals.

The heads of the park slammed the behavior of the visitors, who advise people to stay 50 meters away from wild deer that live in the park.

Pictures that were shared by Charlotte Wilden, a visitor, showed groups of children getting close to the wildlife to feed them.

Adults were also near the animals.

Wilden said that her friend took the pictures with the help of a long zoom lens.

Wilden added in the tweet:

My friend took these pics on a long zoom lens today. People feeding the deer from their hands, then throwing food at the deer when the deer decided they’d had enough. So horrible to endanger the children in this way.

In a shot that Wilden shared on Twitter, a man could be seen running away to save himself after a stag lowered its head with its antlers out to run towards him.

Boy, he was quick to run.

Royal Parks, the ones that run the popular park, was not happy with the behaviors of the humans that were visiting the park.

The charity was quick to say that they condemn any sort of behavior that threatens the lives of the animals and humans.

They added in a statement:

Once again, we condemn this sort of behaviour in the strongest possible terms – when visiting the Parks with native wildlife, please refrain from approaching closer than 50 metres. In addition, feeding the deer does them harm, not good.

The deer that are living in the Famous Richmond Park are currently in their breeding season.

The breeding season runs from October to November each year. During these times, animals are known to have high adrenaline levels and testosterone levels. So staying away from them is a good thing to do.

Once a deer faces down and points their antlers towards someone, it means that they are not happy and can attack any time.

Humans, please be smart.

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