Shaaz Jung Shares Stunning Images Of Extremely Rare Black Panther Roaming In The Jungles Of India

Shaaz Jung, a well-known filmmaker, and photographer in India, is one of the hottest topics on social media right now.

The Indian photographer went viral on the internet after he shared 19 stunning images of an extremely rare black panther that roams the jungles of India.

Jung, who grew up in the awe of the Indian jungle, said he was fascinated with wildlife after he saw a black panther moving once.

This sparked a light in him, which led to a goal, and that goal is to shed more light on the masters of darkness.

As he chased his dream, Jung ended up spending a number of years exploring the Kabini Forest Range in Karnataka, India.

He came back with some of the most beautiful shots of the black panther that lives there.

During an interview with Bored Panda, Jung said:

I spent two and a half years in the Kabini Forest, between December 2017 and January 2020, on a filming permit. This filming permit allowed [me and the team] to make a documentary on the black panther for National Geographic.

He said that working on the project with National Geographic was one of the most challenging projects that he has ever worked on.

Jung explained:

This black panther is a leopard with an abundance of melanin. Unlike other cats in the Kabini Forest, there is only one black panther. This of course makes him far more difficult to photograph. However, since 2015… photographers have been fortunate enough to see him and take pictures. We are, however, the first to make a dedicated movie on him. This demanding project has taught everyone who was working on it the art of patience. “It’s been an incredible journey.

Here are 19 stunning images that Jung shared with us on social media:

Jung, who was raised in South India, said he is fortunate to grow up near the mighty jungles of the best national parks in the country.

Talking about the jungle, he said:

The jungle is a labyrinth riddled with secrets that are waiting to be uncovered. Every day in the forest was like a puzzle and I had to put the pieces of this puzzle together in order to successfully unlock its secrets. The camera allowed me to take photographs, immortalizing these moments, relishing life, and inspiring the world. Wildlife is unpredictable and I love the challenge of tracking your subject before you can photograph it. It feels far more rewarding.

This has to be one of the most amazing images of a black panther that we will ever see!