Stray Dog Interrupts Performance To Comfort And Help Actor That Was Pretending To Be Injured

During a street theatrical performance in Turkey, a stray dog interrupted it to comfort and help an actor that was pretending to be injured.

Numan Ertuğrul Uzunsoy, an actor, was the one that the dog helped out when he laid straight in the streets after getting hurt, but it was all part of the paly.

However, the dog did not know this.

In the play, Numan was in great pain after falling off a horse and was breathing hard.

As Numan lay on the ground, the dog made his entrance to offer the man comfort.

The actor said he had no idea that a stray dog would do such thing.

Talking about the dog and his approach, he said that he just felt something warm on his face, which he thought was a co-actor approaching him.

Numan ended up breaking out of his character for a second and smiled at the dog.

Recalling the moment, Numan said:

I was very happy when I felt the dog’s kisses. I was very touched. He was like an angel who wanted to help me. It was a very emotional moment for me. I was not expecting it.

Not only Numan, but the actors and the audience loved what the dog had done.

A crew member eventually escorted the sweet dog offstage.

Right now, Numan wants to meet the dog and help him find a home.

Numan said:

The next day I went to the same place, looking for him. People told me he usually hangs out there. I went again today. I’ll look for him until I find him. I’ve always loved animals.

Such an amazing thing to witness!