It is known that a Telugu NRI lady, Annapurna Sunkara had created ripples in the social networking sites with a video in which she bashed Telugu film directors and comedian Ali, that went viral. This has created a rage in the web world, and it even attracted the attention of industry people.
As a reply to her views, many videos have come into circulation on the web in the past few days. Some of them were very lame and has even gone to an extent of bashing the lady personally. There were many edited videos of celebrity reactions and spoofs too.
Annapurna Sunkara House Attack In Khammam by Fans:
Now another video “Annapurna Sunkara House Attacked In Khammam by Tollywood Fans” goes Viral on Social Media. But it looks like “FAKE“. Have a look!
Title says Annapurna Sunkara house attack in Khammam by fans on 05-08-2015 but it was uploaded on Aug 4, 2015.
Is it reliable? Let us know your take on this whole issue in the comment box below.