App to Help Meet Vitamin D Requirements

Everyone need to take sufficient amount of vitamin D on daily basis. Are you sure you are taking sufficient amount of it ? Vitamin D is very essential for the maintenance of bone health and may be implicated in other chronic diseases, as well as immunity. In Canada we are observing consistently deficient in dietary vitamin D.

Vitamin D Calculator App :

The researchers enrolled 25 men and 25 women between 18 and 25 years of age for examining use of the Vitamin D Calculator app. All the 50 members were instructed on how to use the app and then asked to use the app to record their intake of vitamin D and calcium-containing food and beverages, as well as their exposure to sunlight on three recording days. After the 3 days, those participants were recalled their intake for research assistants.

They found really a positive feedback validating use of the app for tracking dietary intake. Over 17,000 health apps are currently available and 500 million people worldwide are projected to have used a health app by the end of 2015.

“This app may be a useful tool for tracking personal intake,” Goodman added.  Tracking intake is therefore important in helping inform patients about potential deficiencies. Canadian latitudes, tracking intake of vitamin D is vital for those lacking the nutrient.

Lead author Samantha Goodman from the University of Guelph, Canada said “The app represents a valuable tool physicians or dieticians could use in clinical counselling to help patients increase their intake of vitamin D or calcium.”

Source :  Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior