Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman, who has returned to India after a month-long North America tour, got a chance to meet the legendary producer Quincy Jones in US. The 48-year-old singer recently met legendary American record producer Quincy Jones in the US. Music maestro shared a photograph of himself with Mr Jones, who has worked for musicians like Frank Sinatra and Michael Jackson on Facebook which was captioned “With legendary producer Quincy Jones after the LA concert,”
Rahman recently wrapped his North American tour titled ‘AR Rahman: The Intimate Concert Tour’. The Grammy Award-Winner, who shares a massive of 21 million followers on Facebook, also wrote about his experience of the tour.
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“It feels good to be heading back to India for Ramadan after performing in North America for a month. Infinite love to all the fans and the team who made the Intimate concert tour a roaring success. My band members and I had an awesome time,” he wrote.
During his visit to the US, ‘Jai Ho’, a documentary based on his life, was screened at the White House.
The film, directed by Umesh Aggarwal, traces the journey of Rahman’s professional and personal life. It explores the evolution of his style of music-a fusion of Eastern sensibilities and Western technology.
Rahman’s works are noted for integrating Eastern classical music with electronic music, world music and traditional orchestral arrangements. He is also known as the John Williams of the Indian Film Industry.