Actress Asin has began her career in a Malayalam movie named Narendran Makan Jayakanthan Vaka. She got big break through after suriya starrer Ghajini directed by AR Murugadoss. She worked in both South Indian and Hindi film industries. Recently, in an interview with Bombay Times exclusive she has announced that she has announced her marriage plans. Asin had been waiting for her upcoming film All Is Well to get completed before putting the news out.
Seven years ago, when Asin did AR Murugadoss’s Ghajini, she could not have predicted that a few years later, she was actually going to meet her real life Sanjay Singhania (the name of Aamir Khan’s character in the film). Asin is getting married to Rahul Sharma (aged 36 years) who is the founder of India’s biggest mobile company MICROMAX (he owns the Micromax brand), remarking him as one of the world’s youngest successful entrepreneurs today.
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Asin set to marry Micromax founder Rahul Sharma:
“I am currently wrapping up all my professional commitments so that I can give more time to my personal life. I had anyways stopped signing new projects two years back itself,” she told BT. It is being speculated that All Is Well might be Asin’s last film; however, there has been no confirmation from the actress about this.
Sharma, one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in India, is the son of a school principal; a self-described “middle-class boy”. He studied engineering in Nagpur and went on to become the CEO. Micromax is the tenth-largest smartphone vendor in the world.
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The 29-year-old actress, has been dating the 38-year-old entrepreneur for more than a year. Reports earlier this year suggested they broke up. The first time the two were seen together in public was at Asin’s birthday in October 2013. Akshay Kumar,is one of Rahul Sharma’s best friend. He played cupid in this relationshipwe are still waiting to know the other details on her marriage from her.