This Incredible Video Shows Astronomer Watching Solar Eclipse From An Airplane At 35,000 Feet

Have you ever seen Solar Eclipse From An Airplane? If No, Then watch this video. On 9th March Alaska Airlines flight passengers enjoyed the view of Total Solar Eclipse at about 35,000 feet in the air. Flight 870 left Anchorage on Tuesday around 2 p.m. local time and the eclipse peaked around 4:38 p.m. local time. A group of “eclipse chasers” were among the 163 passengers onboard Flight 870 and their excitement could not be contained as the moon blocks the sun for nearly two minutes.

Over a year ago, Joe Rao, an associate astronomer at the American Museum of Natural History, discovered the Alaska Airlines flight would intersect the “path of totality” during the eclipse.

“It’s an unbelievably accommodating gesture,” said Mike Kentrianakis, solar eclipse project manager for the American Astronomical Society, who will be in seat 6F.

Watch Solar Eclipse Video from Flight here:

Video of the event was shot by Mike Kentrianakis/American Astronomical Society.

>>> Watch Total Solar Eclipse Video From Indonesia