Baby Elephant collapses in the street after entertaining tourists

A heartbreaking footage emerged recently that showed a baby elephant collapse in the street after entertaining tourists, this happened while the baby elephant was tied to its mother, who was giving back rides to tourists.

Reports suggest that the baby elephant is nearly 1-year-old, its age was attained based on its size, and it just looks exhausted as it walks around the streets of Pattaya, Thailand.

You can even hear onlookers saying “he’s tired” in the short clip, the baby elephant rolls around the ground and then gets up and walks with its mum.

Thailand is known to have the hottest temperatures by this time of the year, the average temperature in May and June are around 40 Degrees.

During an interview with the Daily Mail, a tourist claimed that there are more elephants that are experiencing the same thing in Thailand.

The tourist added, “There are many more baby elephants tied with their mother walking around with tourists at their backs enjoying under the heat of the sun while these elephants are suffering. This one baby elephant was so exhausted, and you can see the mother comforting and encouraging her to stand.”

The tourist is a teacher in Myanmar, she was on a trip in Pattaya, Thailand with her friends, and when she saw the tired baby elephant, she decided to record it.

She said, “I’m just concerned for the elephants and want to ensure their welfare is properly taken care of.”

The 1-minute long clip was recorded at the Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens, a resort type park where elephants give rides to tourists and are performing in.

A spokesperson of the Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens said, “All of the elephants are healthy and treated very well. If there is a problem they are treated by vets. All of the babies here are healthy.”

The Nong Nooch Tropical Gardens also hosts elephant shows in which they are seen playing football, throw darts at balloons, and even dance with their trainers.

Thailand is a commonplace where elephant rides are being offered, but tourists have been asked to stop riding them.