Bandipotu Movie Review Rating – Allari Naresh, Eesha

Bandipotu Telugu Movie Review Rating starring Allari Naresh, Eesha: Bandipotu is latest Telugu comedy film directed by Mohan Krishna Indraganti and the film features Allari Naresh and Eesha in the lead roles while Srinivas Avasarala, Posani Krishna Murali, Tanikella Bharani and Sampoornesh Babu appear in other pivotal roles.”Bandipotu” is a venture being made under the banner of EVV Cinema by Aryan Rajesh.  Kalyani Koduri composed the music for the film Bandipotu. P.G. Vinda handled the film’s cinematography and Sravan Katikineni Edited the film “Bandipotu”. The film is scheduled to hit the screens on February 20th 2015 (Friday) i.e Today. Here is the Review & Rating of “Bandipotu”.

Must see: Bandipotu Movie Released Theatres List in Hyderabad

All India Roundup Rating: 2/5

What’s Good in this Movie (Positive Points):

  • Allari Naresh
  • Direction
  • Performance
  • Punch Dialogues
  • Music
  • Camera work
  • Few Dialogues

What’s Bad in this Movie (Minus Points):

  • Second Half
  • Lagging scenes
  • Storyline
  • Dragged Narration
  • Logicless Script
  • Editing
  • No Comedy
  • Runtime

Will I Recommend: Yes.

Final Verdict: Trademark Allari Naresh Movie, watch it and enjoy with family.

Bandipotu Movie Cast and Crew:

Director : Mohan Krishna Indraganti

Producer : Aryan Rajesh

Starring :

  • Allari Naresh
  • Eesha
  • Srinivas Avasarala
  • Sampoornesh Babu

Music : Kalyani Malik

Cinematography : P.G. Vinda

Editor : Sravan Katikineni

Production company :E. V .V. Cinema

Release date : 20th February 2015

Country : India

Language : Telugu

Bandipotu  Movie  Review and Rating:

Bandipotu movie staring  Allari Naresh as a main mail role and Eesha as a female role in the movie.  The movie has been directed by  Mohan Krishna Indraganti.  Allari Naresh is much famous for the movies like Brother of Bommali movie. Bandipotu movie has completed the formalities of censor and it’s ready for release on 20th Feb 2015. All the lead characters in this movie has done pretty much good performance for this movie. Allari Naresh who is coming to the audience after his hit movie Brother of Bommali which also had Karthika Nair in the lead role. For this Allari Naresh’s Movie Bandipotu  director Mohan Krishna Indraganti has managed to sign this project by Allari Naresh who earlier did some serious movies like Golconda High School, Ashta Chemma.

Bandipotu Movie Trailer Review:

“Bandipotu”, has garnered mixed reviews from the audience as it is a comedy film , The film makers of “Bandipotu” released its theatrical trailer at the grand audio launch which was held on June 10, 2014  at E. V. V. Satyanarayana’s residence in Hyderabad. The principal photography started on July 1, 2014 at Rajahmundry.

“Bandipotu” movie official trailer has been viewed more than 116,028 times in less than 12 hours of its release on YouTube. It has garnered 235 thumbs up, 6 thumbs down and more than 100 comments. Viewers are impressed with the making of the film, but they are upset about its routine subject.

Bandipotu Movie Music Review:

Kalyani Malik have given both the music and Background Score in this movie. Songs of this movie are hugely popular among the audience and we must say it’s a job well done by the music director of this movie. The Cinematgrapher of this movie is P.G. Vinda.

All India Roundup Rating: 2/5

Final Word: Can go for one time watch. Not upto mark of Allari Naresh movies.

Stay tuned for complete review and rating of “Bandipotu” movie.