A 15-year-old boy S Vijay, from Bengaluru committed suicide after he was allegedly harassed by his school principal for damaging her laptop. Vijay was skilled in electrical works. The school principal, Parvin Taj, reportedly asked Vijay to repair her laptop. But his efforts put reportedly led to the crashing of the laptop. After the laptop crashed, the principal began harassing the student (Vijay), to bring her Rs 40,000 to cover the cost of the device. When the boy couldn’t pay the amount, so the principal suspended Vijay for 10 days.
Boy ended life after ‘pressure’ over ruined laptop:
Vijay didn’t tell his parents about the harassment, but became depressed and stopped going to school. Vijay Unable to handle the depression and committed suicide by hanging himself at home on July 26, in the middle of his suspension.
His parents M Shekar, a private firm employee, and Chandra, a housekeeping staffer at Orion Mall, came to know about the incident from their neighbour’s children who were the boy’s classmates. However Shekar could not file any complaint because of constant pressure from the local MLA and corporator, the report said.
Two days after the funeral Shekar, received a call instructing him to go to the local MLA Munirathna’s house. When Vijay’s parents Shekar and his wife reached there, they saw the local corporate, school principal Parvin Taj, and a few teachers sitting with the MLA.
The principal accept that she was at fault but she didn’t realise such a ‘small incident’ would lead to a suicide.
Vijay’s parents didn’t know why they had been called to the MLA’s residence, until the principal offered the couple Rs 50,000 as a commitment that they wouldn’t file a complaint.
Shekhar said that his second son, Anand, is a sixth standard student had also been threatened.
“Every time I thought of going to the police, I was stopped by the MLA and corporator who made at least 8-10 phone calls to me, each becoming more threatening in tone. I also received threats that Anand would be harmed if I approached the police, so my first move was to transfer him to another school. Amid this, my neighbours began taunting me that I had made money off my son’s death, and I vowed to seek justice,” Shekar said.
On September 15, Shekar finally filed a complaint against the school principal, accusing her of abetting Vijay’s death.
The police sent a team of personnel to the school on Friday, only to find that Taj was missing. The police said that the mobile phone is switched off, and they are trying to track down the principal. A case of abetment to suicide has been registered under IPC section 306. “Vijay’s parents have mentioned their names in the plaint, who had threatened the family” said a senior police official.
MLA Muniratha has rubbished that he never forced them not to file complaint. Shekar is making all unnecessary allegations against on him.