Harbhajan Singh, the Indian cricket team spinner finally ends his bachelor life tying nuptial knots to his longtime girlfriend and Bollywood actress Geeta Basra. The duo got married in a Punjabi tradition in Jalandhar, Punjab where Geeta Basra was shining in a red lehenga with golden embroidery by designer Archana Kochar, while Harbhajan complemented his bride in an off white and red sherwani which was also designed by Archana. Yuvraj wished Harbhajan Singh for his Wedding in a unique Way.
Here is a tweet by Yuvraj Singh wishing Harbhajan Singh
Can’t bowl the dusra now buddy Stick to one line ?! Wish @harbhajan_singh and @Geeta_Basra a happy life together love u both ???????❤️
— yuvraj singh (@YUVSTRONG12) October 28, 2015
Bhajji couldn’t hold that back and so replied in a hilarious way!
@YUVSTRONG12 u should also come in a line and play straight now. No cut pull ??????
— Harbhajan Singh (@harbhajan_singh) October 29, 2015
Yuvraj couldn’t hold the sarcasm and ended the chat with a humble reply. He tweeted”Yuvraj, u should also come in a line and play straight now. No cut pull”
? yes mr @harbhajan_singh from Diwali onwards I’m going to play straight see u Tom night ????
— yuvraj singh (@YUVSTRONG12) October 30, 2015
This is what the epic reply by Harbhajan Singh.
Also Check:
- Candid visuals as Harbhajan Singh ties the knot with Geeta Basra
- Twitter showers blessings to new Duo Harbhajan – Geeta Basra
Watch Video: Yuvraj Singh does it as Sehwag at 99 in Ranji