Bollywood’s Megastar Amitabh Bachchan is engulfed in a controversy again after outraged comments by a motorist who blamed the superstar for snarling traffic as a part of his Sunday rituals. The Angry young man of Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan hits back at the snide comments of the motorist claiming that he treats his fans as his family
members and would do so meeting them at his residence in Mumbai.
Amitabh Bachchan Addressed As 3rd Rate Actor by Motorist Arousing Controversy
The busy star despite being engaged with some many star-studded programms and activities spares out time from his super- busy schedule to meet up his beloved fans and well-wishers at his residence which exhibits his awe towards his people. Every Sunday Amitabh Bachchan meets his fans his well wishers and fans at his residence, which has turned out to be a usual custom for him now and a boon and benediction for his fans.
Well, there were no issues till this Sunday regarding this usual public interaction of Amitabh Bachchan while a recent comments of a motorcyclist has resulted in a controversy focalizing the Bollywood star Big B. Although Amitabh Bachchan sufficed the comments of the motorist claiming that he would like to move against the fans intentions while responding to the comments of Sunday ritual of meeting fans near his residence.
Epicenter of Controversy: A motorist who was bothered with the traffic jam on Sunday resulted due to the Amitabh Bachchan fan’s meeting him at his residence passed on comments, suggesting the Big B that it would be quite better if he meets his fans at the beach. The comment passed on by the motorcyclist were inferential while added to this he denigrated that legendary actor claiming his as a third rate actor!
Amitabh Responds to Motorist in His Mark
Bollywood’s living legend and inspiring personality answered the motorcyclist in such a modest way that he politely condemned the motorists comments. Big B said he won’t go to the beach to meet his fans as they are like his family and he has so much of love and respect for them so he won’t. Look out what Amitabh Bachchan stated in his official personal blog.
Though Amitabh Bachchan was hacked off in public while the way he responds back steals the hearts, where he concludes his words as,
Although being briefed with the incident here arises the question who is right? Is it the motorist or Big B? Here is what we believe following the hearts and brains
bestowed by the god to us that,
- The motorist is absolutely correct suggesting an alternative place for that star being a tax payer to the nation so does he has the right to speak out about the cramping and haltering jam on public property which was caused by the Amitabh Bachchan’s fans at residence on road. Won’t you admit this out?
- Though the motorcyclist was correct while he should have been humble enough while suggesting and making a comment calling the great legendary Indian cinema icon ‘third rate actor’ which could have passed over the comment.
- Added to this the superstar of the Bollywood should have adopted common man’s friendly measures over his Sunday rituals as rest of people have their share of problems to deal with as a part of their day to day lives. Indian cinema icon should have welcomed his fans inside his residence premises if he really treats and considers them as his family members.
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