Police officials arrested Tamil Nadu Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP’s) information technology cell executive committee member allegedly after expressing status updates expressing joy over the death of pilgrims in a recent crane collapse during the Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca. The executive member of BJP states information technology cell executive committee member B Velmurugan was arrested after a police complaint was lodged against him for driving people over a religion.
BJP Leader Arrested for Making Hatred and Provocative Facebook Statements Over Mecca Mishap
The residents of Tirumangalam, Tamil Nadu, Ajmer Ali lodged a police complaint against the BJP leader B Velmurugan for making hatred and religiously provocative statements against Muslims over Mecca crane tragedy through Facebook. It was alleged against B Velmurugan that he shared a status on Facebook that he would be happy even if the people who died in the incident were his neighbours.
Velmurugan controversial Facebook statements were ascertained by a few Muslims of Ramanathapuram district who later brought this to the notice of the locals and their friends in Tirumangalam on Saturday. Grounding the hatred Facebook statements of Velmurugan he has been arrested and a complaint has been filed against the BJP leader of Madurai. Although to prevent any untoward consequences those alleged Facebook posts have been deleted from his account while he cops have ascertained that he had made many such offensive posts in the past against Muslim community.
In the recent times accused Velmurugan posted on Facebook following the death of former people’s president of India and scientist Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam as he was the only Muslim in the nation who loved India and is the only Muslim who is loved by all Hindus across the nation. Cops claimed BJP state information technology cell executive committee member Velmurugan has a bachelor’s degree of information technology and is running a computer centre in Tirumangalam
Following a letter shared by him on Facebook, Velmurugan was appointed as BJP IT cell executive committee on March 2, 2015. Cops have filed an complaint against himn under various IPC Sections which includes 153A (promoting enmity between different communities), 295A, 505 (1)(c) and 505 (2). Stay tuned with us for more trending alerts happening across the nation by bookmarking us in your web browser.