BJP MLA Narendra Mehta gifted a saffron colored Lamborghini Huracan (BJP colors!) to his wife on Tuesday. The 5.5 crore Rupee super car reaches 0-100 kmph in 3.2 seconds. However, just after thirty minutes this car became the focus of national attention not for its amazing looks but the MLA wife crashed the car into parked auto-rickshaw. No one got hurt in this incident.
The auto rickshaw driver was furious seeing the damage, however, Mehta compensated the auto rickshaw immediately.
After the accident Mehta defended his wife saying that “My wife has 18 years of experience and has driven an Audi and other imported cars. The car just touched front of the auto and it was not damaged. Road side mechanics cannot repair the car, which is currently parked in school premises.” You can watch the video of the incident here.
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