Telangana state government Information and Technology Minister, K T Rama Rao turns out to be a baddie for the online spammers and pirates. The Minister for Information and Technology has urged the internet service providers to shut off at least 240 websites that have been offering pirated content on the web for every random user globally to download free of cost.
Minister of IT Chokes Up Against 100s of Piracy Websites
K.T Rama Rao, Telangana state Cabinet Minister for Information Technology and Panchayat Raj assured that a special unit in the police department would take necessary action within 30 days over the 100s of fake and piracy websites, in a meeting with ISP industries, police, representatives from the film industry and other officials.
Prior to this meeting Telangana government minister seems to be very serious over the increasing piracy of all legitimate content over the web as, during the month of May, a team led by the ministry targetted some of the leading torrent websites and many other videos streaming sites like Vimeo. Following the orders of the ministry, local ISPs were allowed with 24 hours of time to stop their subscribers from using the websites.
During the meeting between the Minister, ISP industries, police, representatives from the film industry and other officials discussed the grave threat to the digital info on the web and the required measures to curb it. It is being reported that during the meeting some of the measures taken up in the nations like Europe such as the notion of pirate site blacklist were discussed. The minister of Information Technology briefed the dignitaries with actions taken by London police and were asked to carry out similar measures.
Implementation of Stated Actions Would Be A Boon for Film Industry
Tollywood Telugu film industry Suresh Babu urged the minister that Minister government should come up with some better measures so as to control the piracy of the artwork of the industry to which K.T Rama Rao responded that they would take necessary action against culprits. Minister K.T Rama Rao ordered the ISPs to block breaching websites, which could be a number as high as 1000.
On the other hand, the internet service providers claimed their support to the government asking official instructions with details of their requirement. As per the ministry, there are about a revenue of millions of dollars from just 240 websites is being ruined for the government. We feel the nation should focus on online privacy rather than beef or another thing. Share your thoughts with us leaving them in the comment section.