Watch the Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma’s latest upcoming Hindi crime drama movie “Bombay Velvet” Theatrical Trailer. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma and Karan Johar in lead roles with Kay Kay Menon, Manish Choudhary, Raveena Tandon and Siddharth Basu appearing in supporting roles. The film directed and co-produced by Anurag Kashyap, based on historian Gyan Prakash’s book Mumbai Fables. The movie music and background score is composed by Amit Trivedi. The movie is produced under the production company of Phantom Films. Watch the Ranbir Kapoor and Anushka Sharma’s latest upcoming Hindi film “Bombay Velvet” Official Theatrical Trailer now from here.
Bombay Velvet Movie Cast and crew:
Director : Anurag Kashyap
Producer : Vikramaditya Motwane
Writer : Gyan Prakash
- Ranbir Kapoor
- Anushka Sharma
- Karan Johar
- Kay Kay Menon
- Manish Choudhary
- Raveena Tandon
- Siddhartha Basu
- Remo Fernandes
Music : Amit Trivedi
Cinematography : Rajeev Ravi
Editor : Prerna Saigal, Thelma Schoonmaker
Production company : Phantom Films
Distributer : Fox Star Studios
Release date : May 15, 2015
Country : India
Language: Hindi
Bombay Velvet Movie Official Theatrical Trailer :
The film was initially to be produced by Viacom18 but Fox Star Studios decided to co-produce it with Phantom Films. It is based on Gyan Prakash’s book Mumbai Fables and set in early 1950’s towards 1970’s, before Mumbai became a metropolis. Prakash is also one of the scriptwriter’s for the film. Starring Ranbir Kapoor will be portraying a street fighter, whilst Anushka Sharma will appear as a jazz singer, as well as his love interest in the film. Kashyap was inspired to make such a film after reading L.A. Quartet, a sequence of four crime fiction novels by James Ellroy. Ranbir Kapoor intrigues in the first look of his much awaited film, “Bombay Velvet”. We see little of Anushka Sharma and Anurag Kashyap breaks out of his mould. The movie is scheduled to hit the theatres screens on May 15, 2015.