According to reports from reliable sources, Pakistan’s celebrity TV reporter Chand Nawab had been bashed by Karachi police on Tuesday. Chand Nawab hit the headlines with a viral video of him featuring for Eid festival had been big sensation in the social media in the recent times, especially after the release Bajrangi Bhaijjaan movie. Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s role was inspired by Nawab in the blockbuster Bajrangi Bhaijaan movie which was directed by Kabir Khan.
Pakistan TV Reporter Chand Reporter Beaten Up by Police in Karachi
Sources claim that police allegedly beaten TV reporter Chand Nawab and crew of 92 News Channel including team members including DSNG driver and engineers when they were covering illegal sale of train tickets by the railway officials.
Watch Popular Eid Video of Chand Nawab
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