Cleaning Hacks For Your Home That Makes Your Life Easier

Cleaning you home? I just can`t imagine how my mom used to clean house for every festival or some occasions. For this, i am trying to find out some easy and effortless tasks to clean home for this festive season. During this search, i found some interesting cleaning hacks. Just thought to share with all of you and help you clean your house with fewer efforts.

Ceiling Fans:

While we clean our ceiling fans it is a big deal to manage the dust on it. Always when i clean i used cover all the furniture room with a blanket so that dust doesn`t spoil the furniture. But now i am able clean fans very easily without all this mess. Just take an old pillow cover and clean the fan so that the dust falls inside the pillow cover.

Stove Burners Cleaning:

Most of the women out there would prefer using the scrub or other liquids to wash and clean your stove. But the burner cleaning is very easy. Just take some big size garbage bag. Sprinkle ammonia on the stove and put it in the bag. Make sure you close it properly or using double bags. But a point to note is this should be done only outside or some ventilated space. Leave this for a whole night and in the next morning see the magic done by ammonia. All the grease will fall off.


We always clean the microwave from outside, but inside there stuck some food particles and make your microwave dirty. So for that here is a simple trick. In a microwave safe boil pour some vinegar and put a wooden stick in it. Then switch on the oven for 5 to 10 minutes. Here the magic takes place, steam coming out can clean the microwave from inside. When you switch off just use some sponge or paper to clean. Now see how your microwave gets clean from inside.

Wash you soft toys:

You can`t wash your soft toys easily with hands. So for this what you can do is dip your soft toys into a dishwasher or washing machine. Add some detergent and leave for half an hour to soak in soap water. Then on the machine. In this process, all the dust from toys comes out. You dry them under the sun or at room temperature.

Water Stains on Tap:

Whenever you wash basins water gets sprinkled over them. You may be very careful but still there leaves some water marks on their surface. For this take some vinegar into a bowl. Using a paper towel, clean the water marks by dipping in vinegar. Leave it for an hour or two and wipe off with clean and soft towel. You can use this trick on Wash basins, bath tubs etc.

Clean your sponge:

You use a sponge for many purposes but during this cleaning process, this sponge can catch several bacteria. You need to sanitize them at least once in a month or two. For this, you can place the sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Toilet Ring:

Cleaning toilet ring is a very big task. You sometimes refuse to use your commode due to unclean toilet ring. For this, you can just take a piece of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and drop inside commode and leave it the whole night. In the early morning, you can see the ring will fade out and reduces you strain to clean it.

Did you find these cleaning hacks easy? Yes, you can make your work easily and effortlessly. So why late start your cleaning process now and enjoy this festive season with clean surroundings.