Two girls were suspended in Mangalore all because a picture of them with wine and beer bottles at a tourist spot went viral on WhatsApp. Both the girls are a student of BBM in their second year from Kukke Shri Subrahmanyeshwara College in Sullia taluk in Dakshina Kannada district on Friday.
The girls parents said their daughters were not present at any party. The picture has been doing the rounds on WhatsApp in and around Sullia taluk for the past month. Principal declared this action against these girls when he received the news from locals and self-proclaimed student groups, Even though the alleged incident took place outside the campus or during the college hours, the college management has taken this harsh decision against two girls.
The Kukke Shri Subrahmanyeshwara College is run by a temple trust, which comes under the state government. When the trust members were inquired about the incident they gave a run of the mill reply by saying that they are inquiring about the matter and will look into it.
College Suspend Girls After Their Pictures With Beer Went Viral:
The principal told The Hindu that he had taken disciplinary action as the girls were students of the college though the alleged photos had been taken outside the campus.
Assistant commissioner Puttur Basavaraju, who is also the trust president, told TOI he would visit the college to seek a report. “He has informed me about the incident. I’ll go to the college and inquire into the matter and seek a report,” he added. College vice-principal M Manmohan said action has been taken against students as part of the college’s discipline. “The college has received information that the girls’ photos were circulated on WhatsApp from locals and self-proclaimed student groups.
Though parents have not come forward to file a complaint about the picture on WhatsApp, social activists have questioned the college action. Social activist Vidya Dinker asked how the college can take disciplinary action against students for an incident that occurred outside the campus. However, many social activists have come forward and taken their side demanding a justification on the act of moral policing by the college authorities.
“The action of the college authorities is not constitutional. They must take a view which is correct as per the law. It is not right on the college’s part to act against the girls as per the view imposed by certain organizations,” said Vidya Dinker.