Ghaziabad traffic police have ascended with strict rules to men and women over wearing helmet. Blimey, a traffic cop’s wife riding two-wheelers was ticketed for the violating the traffic rules on Sunday, August 9, 2015. You know what? The official cop issuing the penalty fine was none other than the husband of the woman who was found violating the Ghaziabad traffic police rules without wearing a helmet.
Reluctant Strict ‘Dabangg’ ASI Ticketed Her Wife for Violating Rules
It was an astonishing example of the a traffic ASI who set an example by issuing challan against his own wife for not wearing helmet sending off a message to the people across the globe that no one is above the law. Assistant Sub-Inspector Madhusudan Singh stooped his wife Reena Singh, who was on a scooty, and issued challan for not wearing a helmet while riding.
Sources at the time of the incident claimed that though the wife of the ASI, Reena Singh pleaded her husband that she will never make the same mistake again however it all went in vain. Salutes to you sir, while we are worried of your upcoming circumstances at home (just kidding). 🙂 ASI Madhusudan Singh, you have fulfilled the dual role of an honest policeman and a concerned husband issuing challan to Reena Singh, your wife, for not wearing the helmet.
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