Cute Baby Boy Timothy Eli Thompson Born Without Nose in Alabama

Timothy Eli Thompson was born with one of the very rare condition which has bewildered the medical industry. Newly born pics and images of the Timothy Eli Thompson have been viral on Facebook since past few hours. Timothy Eli Thompson was born without a nose which left many of the viewers and people bemused, who watched the images of him.

Baby Boy Eli Thompson Borns Without Nasal Passages Or Sinus Cavities

The little boy Timothy Eli Thompson was born premature on March 4 without any nasal passages or sinus cavities, a condition so rare it only has a one in 197 million chance of happening. Baby boy Eli’s images which took down internet have been viral on Facebook was banned initially conceiving that it was violating facebook’s advertising policies or community standards while the later it was restored after cross examination. Read out the facts about Timothy Eli Thompson-boy born without a nose which are illustrated below.

  • Baby Boy Timothy Eli Thompson Is Born Without A Nose

It was a great moment for Brandi McGlathery when she saw her son Eli initially in the labor room after the his birth who had five fingers on each hand and five toes on his tiny feet, nothing was missing, while it bewildered her to see him without a nose.

  • Eli Knew Was Knew How to Over Come His Disability

Baby boy without nose Eli immediately knew how to breathe  although he struggled a bit initially. Eli was able to breathe through his mouth naturally even while breastfeeding.

  • Boy Without Nose Eli Thompson Was Taken Away For Surgery

Born on 4th March 2015 Eli was rushed to the USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital in Mobile, Alabama immediately by doctors when he was found without nose where doctors gave him him a tracheotomy to help him eat without struggling for breath.

  • Eli is Suffering with Rare Condition Congenital Arhinia

Eli’s Mother Brandi McGlathery and her boyfriend, father of Eli Troy Thompson are cautious and deliberate enough to clean his tracheotomy and keep it infection free. Parents of Eli are projecting to get reconstruction surgery to build a nose to Eli in future.

  • Parents of Baby Tessa Clears Misinformation of Congenital Arhinia

18 months old Baby Tessa Evans parents are condemning medical misinformation that says children born with it have poor mental and physical abilities sharing the experiences with congenital arhinia stating them as false statements on so many levels.

  • Hard to Treat Rare Congenital Arhinia

Although insurance pays for some medical costs of rare Congenital Arhinia disorder of Eli while as per current medical studies questions arise after unprocurable procedures like reconstruction surgery for his nose may not be covered. Mother of Eli, Brandi McGlathery says “..they don’t know what treatments work and they are skeptical of reconstruction surgery because it’s cosmetic.”

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