In the ongoing issue of freedom of expression in India, limited-overs Captain MS Dhoni spoke something about it and dragged the attention of every Indian Cricket Fan. Earlier, Gautam Gambhir, wrestler Yogeshwar Dutt and star boxer Vijender Singh had shared their opinion on the issue. And now it is MS Dhoni who called for the respect to the armed forces.
As Dhoni holds the honorary rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Territorial Army, he spoke in the backdrop of a raging debate on freedom of expression. It is very rare for the cricketers to come out and join such public discourse. Though he was in good position in Indian Army, he has set a positive precedent by speaking up.
As v have this debate on freedom of speech our forces r making sure v stay in position to keep debating.
— Mahendra Singh Dhoni (@msdhoni) February 21, 2016
Spl forces and commando unit’s r normal ppl like u and me who r highly motivated and trained to put the interest of the nation before self
— Mahendra Singh Dhoni (@msdhoni) February 21, 2016
Dhoni lost his calm in a press conference against a bevy of queries on his retirement and made it clear that asked about it at every platform will not change his plan to continue playing for a “considerable period” of time. Later he took a stand on a debate that has polarized India.
Now this tweets are grabbing the attention of his fans and also people in India in social media. This proves that whoever the person may be, a public figure or an actor or a politician, they must join the social and political discourse more often in the favor of Good.
Also Watch: MS Dhoni Loses His Calm Over Persistent Queries On His Retirement