Ayushman Khurana’s latest Bollywood Movie “Dum Laga ke Haisha” has been released on 27th February 2015 and directed by Sharat Katariya which features Ayushmann Khurana, Bhumi Pednekar in the lead roles. Dum Laga Ke Haisha is produced by one of the most Popular Bollywood Producer Aditya Chopra and Maneesh Sharma under the production banner Yash Raj Films. The movie is receiving quite good words of mouth from audience as well as from critics. Ayushmann Khurrana’s recent film ‘Hawaizaada’ failed at box office, but with ‘Dum laga Ke Haisha’ good that he may manage to make an impression on his followers once again. Dum Laga Ke Haisha which has received several good reviews is actually likely to fare much better than Aab Tak Chhappan 2, as both movies has been release on same day. Thus, the Opening day or First day collection of “Ayushman Khurana” is predicted to be huge. As per early estimated, First Day Box office Collection of Ayushman Khurana is expected to be Rs. 3-4Crores . Dum Laga Ke Haisha 1st (First) Day Worldwide Collections is around Rs.4-5 crore. Thus, Dum Laga ke Haisha Friday Income is assumed to be quite good.
Must Read: Dum Laga Ke Haisha Movie Review Rating
Dum Laga ke Haisha Movie 1st Day Total Collections:
Dum Laga ke Haisha movie has seems to be the much good on the box office as it is the good collections on box office. Dum Laga ke Haisha movie is the Romancing and action movie and 1st Day or Opening Day collection On Friday, the movie had been released on around on 350 screens. The audience had liked the 1st day movie show of the this film on the box office. From the opening day show of Dum Laga ke Haisha , the movie will be doing the total box office earning of around Rs.3-4 crore. At the end of the 1st day collection of Dum Laga ke Haisha movie had done the total occupation of around 70-75% at the theatres. Dum Laga ke Haisha First Day Collections has done good business for the makers because of the positive reviews that this movie has got. Thus, Dum Laga ke Haisha Friday Opening or First (1st) Day collection is assume to be Good. The main cast of the Dum Laga ke Haisha film are:
Starring :
- Ayushmann Khurana
- Bhumi Pednekar
Dum Laga ke Haisha Movie 1st Day Box Office Collections:
Dum Laga ke Haisha Movie First Day Box office collection is around Rs: 1.11 crores. which is nice response got by low budget movie of Bollywood 2015 under the Production Company of Yash Raj Films. The collections of this movie will be increased if the content of the movie is good. The expected Worldwide Dum Laga ke Haisha First (1st) Day Collections is about Rs.1.12 crores.
“Dum Laga ke Haisha″ Movie 1st Day (Friday) collection : 1.11 Crores
The expected Worldwide Dum Laga ke Haisha First (1st) Day Collections is about Rs.2.25 crores.
“Dum Laga ke Haisha″ 2nd Day Collections: 2.09 Crores
“Dum Laga ke Haisha″ Movie 2nd Day (Saturday) collections:
The film, starring Ayushmann Khurrana and debutant Bhumi Pednekar in the lead, has collected Rs.3.20 crore in two days. The film opened to a poor response and managed to earn Rs.1.11 crore on Friday but due to word of mouth the business on Saturday was almost double. The movie garnered Rs.2.09 crore on Saturday.
Stay tuned for more updates and total box office collections of Dum Laga Ke Haisha.