Cyberabad police arrested an engineering student who is alleged of extorting money through online social networking websites from school girls. Cops reported that the accused engineering student used to create fake Facebook and other online social networking website accounts a fake ID of a girl and would start wringing money from other school girls by befriending them online on various pretexts.
Police Nab Engineering Student for Luring School Girls and Extorting Money
Accused engineering student was arrested by the cops on Friday and was demonstrated in front of media to create awareness among the youngsters and other civilians not to fall prey to online frauds which have been increasing since past couple of years. Cops claimed that the accused student used to befriend school students of reputed schools by sending them add requests on Facebook with a fake Facebook ID of girl created by him prior to this uploading photos of girls he knew.
After befriending girls of reputed schools on Facebook, the accused engineering student used to introduce himself as a school girl initiating his online friend with a few sugar coated words. Later he (she) used to share his framed false stories such as having an affair with boyfriend in the past supported with a few morphed photos a girl claiming that it was taken while sharing some personal space with boyfriend.
School girls who find their disguised girlfriend sharing such wild experiences used to get trapped in the contrives of the accused. Following which upon being provoked by the accused fellow school girls used to share their private moments with their so called boyfriends sending genuine photos of them. After finding private of unsuspecting girls hailing from some top schools in the city sharing with him he used to contact them and threaten them introducing himself as a police officer claiming that they have created a Facebook account to catch such kind of mischievous girls.
School girls who had been accused engineering student’s victim said they were often contacted on various pretexts and were asked to give him money so as to stop him sharing those photos with anyone. School girls who were afraid of any resulting consequences used to comply with him giving him demanded money.
A police officer said, “He demanded money not to initiate action against them and threatened that he would show their private photos to their respective parents.” Cops and victims stated the teen girls used to through psychological trauma and were left in an ambiguous situation of disclosing and complaining their exploitation by a stranger for extortion attempt. A brave girls friend after being acknowledged with this extortion of the youngster approached Cyberabad police and helped in arresting the accused. Stay tuned with us for more updates.