Extremely Rare Indian Grey Wolf brutally killed by farmers in Bangladesh

A very rare Indian Grey Wolf was beaten to death by farmers in Bangladesh after it hunted down on their animals.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the last time an Indian Grey Wolf was seen in Bangladesh in 1949, which is 80 years ago.

The grey wolf was killed in Sundarbans, which is home to the world’s biggest mangrove forest. It is located in India and Bangladesh.

The farmers in the area had to capture and kill the wolf as it attacked their farm animals.

Y.V Jhala, who works with the Wildlife Institute of India, confirmed that the animal killed by the farmers is an Indian Grey Wolf.

There are nearly 3000 grey wolfs in India and some are in zoos.

But the grey Indian wolfs disappeared in Bangladesh by the 1940s.

Anwarul Islam, a zoologist that works at the Dhaka University, said that they had to collect DNA samples from the wolf so they could find out if there are more wolves in the area. S

He added that the wolf was beaten to death by the farmers.

An investigation has been launched to confirm if the wolf traveled with a pack.

The grey Indian wolf was killed by the farmers in the first week of June.