Father On A Train Tweeted For Medical Assistance, Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu Ensures Swift Aid To The 6-Year-Old Boy

The Ministry of Indian Railways has been actively responding to concerned passengers on Twitter and providing solutions within minutes. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu proves it yet again that he is always the approachable, accessible and helpful minister. An incident that took place on March 31st helped a six-year-old boy who got hurt in the train.

A distressed father, Bibhuti, reached out to the Railway Ministry and Suresh Prabhu to get help for his son, who needed urgent medical attention. The six-year-old reportedly fell from the upper birth of the train suffering grave injuries. The panic-stricken father immediately tweeted seeking people’s help, tagging both the Railway Ministry and the minister.

And within minutes, the Railway Ministry got in touch with him.

Relieved with the medical help extended to his son, hours later, the concerned father thanked Mr. Prabhu and his swift Indian Railways social media team for their quick action.

Bibhuti expressed his gratitude and trust in the Indian railways on twitter.