Father Who Raped His 9-Month-Old Daughter Gets Life Imprisonment

On Wednesday, a special court sentenced the father who raped his 9-month-old daughter to life imprisonment, the father raped the infant in 2017.

Judge C A Nathani found the father guilty under Section 6 which is aggravated penetrative sexual assault of the POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Act and relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.

Geeta Sharma a special public prosecutor said that the prosecution examined 6 witnesses which included the mother of the 9-month-old infant.

According to the mother of the infant, she was married to the accused in 2005. She added that he did not want to have a girl as their child and even wanted to sell the infant after she was born.

The woman added that the incident happened when the baby was sleeping between the husband and her, after she woke up, she found the husband sexually abusing the 9-month-old girl.

The father warned his wife to not share the incident to anyone or she will face consequences. But, the mother took the 9-month-old daughter to a hospital where the police recorded her statement and started an investigation.