Bollywood actor,singer, director Farhan Akhtar and actor Ranbir Kapoor have been sued registering against them for criminal offence of trust and forgery for end endorsing an online shopping web which is believed to be allegedly befooling its users and customers. A lawyer of Keshav Nagar, Lucknow Rajat Bansal filed an complaint in Madiyaon police station leading to the registration of a FIR against Farhan and Ranbir under IPC sections 406 (Punishment for criminal breach of trust) and 420 (forgery) on September 19, 2015.
Ranbir Kapoor and Farhan Akhtar Sued for Endorsing
DirectorS Sanjiv Gupta, Anand Sonbhadra, Piyush Pankaj, Kiran Kumar Sriniwas Murti and marketing officer Puja Goya of online portal are also facing the legal charges (FIR) besides Ranbir Kapoor and Farhan Akhtar under the same sections.
Lawyer Rajat Bansal articulated in the official complaint that he ordered a 40-inch LED TV from site on August 23 and had paid Rs 29,999 for the same through his debit card while the online portal failed to deliver the product in assured time period of 10 days from the date of booking.
People are Befooled with Endorsement of Bollywood Celebrities
Rajat Bansal said that due to the endorsement of Bollywood’s prominent stars and celebrities like Farhan Akhtar and Ranbir Kapoor people across the nation fall prey to this kind of traps of online portals who are forced to suffer later. He further added that the online website portal was successful in sending him a registered bill while not the product.
A probe has been ordered by the cops who are investigating the case based on the details furnished by the lawyer Rajat Bansal. Preliminary investigation has reported that the officials of the online website portal could not be contacted. Stay tuned with us by bookmarking us in your web browser for easy navigation of trending stories and alerts.