On the first working day of the budget in Rajya Sabha, the session started on a heated note. The house has faced many adjournments over the suicide of Dalit Rohith Vemula. BSP members were strong and started shouting to resign some of Union Ministers. There had been a big conversation between Human Resource Development Minister Smriti Irani and BSP head Mayawati.
But the shocking moment in this session was that ‘sort of fixing’ has taken place while Smriti Irani was talking about Maa Durga issue. There was a lot of chaos in the house by the opposition. As one of the members of Rajya Sabha and the respected speaker waved hands, the question arises about sort of fixing.
An exasperated Chairman Hamid Ansari remarked that disruption of Question Hour was “violation of privilege of individual members” and asked the agitating members “not to trample” over the privilege of their colleagues.
BSP members forced five adjournments in the pre-lunch session raising slogans that the “anti-Dalit, anti-Ambedkar” government will not be allowed to run, even as party chief Mayawati dubbed the incident an “insult to 25 crore Dalits” in the country.